Civil Law
We offer you the best professionals specialized in advising, assisting and defending you in all kinds of contracts and civil lawsuits in order to always look after your interests: claims before courts, filing and/or answering lawsuits, execution of public documents, debt claims, etc.
Fast action in the event of non-payment of rent or illegal occupation of a property, filing the corresponding lawsuit within 48 hours of receiving the documentation.
We advise community of owners on the different options that exist to recover debt, as well as on the different agreements that may be adopted at the corresponding meetings. We also advise on urban planning matters.
Drafting of all types of contracts, assistance and advice in the event of breach of contract (contractual and non-contractual civil liability).
The aim of our professional traffic accident experts is to provide you with fair compensation.
Claims for physical and moral damages, compensation for falls on the public highway, noise claims and claims for possible medical errors.
Our work is to defend your rights as a consumer in abusive situations caused by product and service companies.
Life insurance: we claim life insurance policies for both death and incapacity when the insurance company is liable to pay compensation to the injured party or his family in the event of decease. Claims to health insurance and health care.
Health insurance and health care: insurance claims in case that the insured falls ill or suffers an injury foreseen in the policy’s coverage.
Claims for hidden defects in the purchase and sale of an asset, referring mainly to those deficiencies, faults or defects that the buyer was not aware of at the moment of purchase, which, after a short time, appear. The most frequent claims are related to the sale of homes or vehicles.